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And in Crazy Train news.

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Why aren't we just building teleporting stations in every major city? Costly but worth it.


Because, people would just use it to upgrade their phones.  And to get tomorrows leftovers.


Oh wait, you said teleporting and not time travel.  Well, since we will have a few bucks left over after building the teleporting stations....

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Bullet train faces new scrutiny after release of report predicting higher costs


Denham and 11 other House members demanded this month that the state's main project management contractor release a 2013 cost estimate that shows a 31% increase for the project's initial operating segment from Burbank to Merced.




And that was 2 years ago.  This thing is going to cost more than that presidential candidate giving everyone a million bucks and a pony.

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Six years already?!? When is someone going to have the nads to pull the plug on this? Their cost estimates have been so far off and they'd have to uproot too many people for this thing to ever work.

And if they ever do build it, it'll probably be used less than the stupid toll lanes they created out of the diamond lanes on the 110 fwy. Those lanes are so empty that using them must feel like you're driving in Wyoming during rush hour.

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A recent Stanford University poll found that 53% of Californians would rather their drought-riddled state spend the money on water projects.




Perhaps marking a bad omen for the project, California Gov. Jerry Brown failed to mention the effort in his State of the State speech last week, the first time he not done so since taking office in 2012.

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  • 3 weeks later...
In a major shift, bullet train will start in Bay Area, not L.A., officials say



Things will only get cheaper in LA.  lol


And how is this for politician talk. 


Rail officials also say the latest cost estimate for the entire 500-mile project has been reduced from $68 billion to $64 billion, well below the $98 billion projection from several years ago, but still far above initial estimates of less than $40 billion.


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A confidential Federal Railroad Administration risk analysis, obtained by The Times, projects that building bridges, viaducts, trenches and track from Merced to Shafter, just north of Bakersfield, could cost $9.5 billion to $10 billion, compared with the original budget of $6.4 billion.


So now the Russians have hacked the California High Speed Rail Authority?


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