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I don't understand the gloating

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I am really happy the division rival A's bit the dust yesterday. It's not tribalism or any other bullcrap pop psychology reason other than my team is still in it and a rival isn't. I enjoy the success of my team and the failure of other teams that oppose them. You have screw loose to follow sports any other way. It's like making the Angels your "significant other team" which is not a real commitment but it sounds like it to your coffee house friends on Facebook.

**** the A's.


Brandon, this is an actual example of an "I'm a real fan" "I'm a better fan" post.

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see the thing is though that anyone not an A's fan is pretty sick of hearing about moneyball and beane.  this collapse is entertaining to us as its can hopefully finally shut up the pundits and let the rest of us get back to real baseball over strat-o-matic. 

no offense to you or other A's Fans, but the rest of us are a little fed up with it and glad to see it take an arrow to the knee

I'm not. I like learning more about the game and the way it's played and also the new ways it can be seen and analyzed.

I'm sure there are many here who agree with me.

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The A's didn't do anything from August on to deserve any respect for backing out of the division lead and almost the wildcard by barely edging out a team that won 71 games last season.

They sucked all September getting swept by both the Angels but also the last place Rangers. And now you want us all to appreciate them in some way?

Oh hell no, they made their season what it was, the blueprint for meddling with a roster until you found a perfect recipe for fail. **** them, way to go Royals making the most out of your 30+ years of post season drought.

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I've never had anything against the A's and I've always liked Billy Beane even if I think he's gets credit for some things that Sandy Alderson was responsible for but the collective fawning of the media and fans alike at the deadline were a bit over the top and it definitely made me root against them in much the same way I do the Dodgers.  So, if I derived any extra joy out of watching them go down the way they did it goes back to their coronation on July 31st.

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I was honestly expecting it to be worse. Like other people are saying it's a rivalry and that's all fine and good.


If I was an Angels fan...I'd actually be a bit disappointed.


I'd much rather actually face the number one rival team than the Royals.


KC is a good match up, but when is the last time the A's and Angels played in the post season?


I find the Royals story much more compelling.   The A's like the Angels have been pretty consistent playoff contenders -- the Royals are the new kid on the block, an underdog, a feel good story.   Doesn't hurt that until the advent of the current divisional play that the Royals were an AL West rival.... I remember being a kid and disliking the Royals, so for me, the Royals are a fun opponent.

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Now the rumors are already flying on another fire sale to restock...

Smardjia, Donaldson, others all being mentioned as the As now have glaring holes at many spots having traded away key peices that were supposed to fill them and too many guys heading into FA.

Speculation is that this was the plan all along to trade for them, make a run, then trade them away again to restock.

Im sure all we will be hearing all off season is how Beane is lurking to make his moves...


we think that's a capitol idea!




the florida marlins, 1997

the florida marlins, 2003

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I see A's fans the same way I see Kings fans (excluding AW Kings fans of course). When they have success they get really cocky and look down their nose at Anaheim teams/fans.

But that's part of being a sports fan. Some just take it a little too far and start the cockiness mid-season, like A's fans did this season. But there's no trophy for the best team I the first half.

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No it isn't


"You have screw loose to follow sports any other way."


"It's like making the Angels your "significant other team" which is not a real commitment"


So, you're crazy if you follow sports in a way other than your own, and it's not a real commitment. If that's not an example of an "I'm a real fan"/"I'm a better fan" post, then nothing is.

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I agree with you, Angels Never Die, and feel much the same. I mean, I get it, I just don't resonate with it. It comes down to human psychology and, I think, a kind of tribalism - "my tribe vs. your tribe." I'm guessing that people that tend to be extremely tribal around their team are also rather nationalistic ("'Merica is the greatest!"). But I think the bottom line is, don't take it too seriously. Let the dogs bark.


That said, I was really, really happy to see the A's lose last night - but not because I have anything against A's, but primarily because I fear them more than the Royals, and secondarily because when the Angels aren't playing I like to cheer for the underdog and enjoyed seeing the Royals make the playoffs for the first time in 29 years.


Now what I find a bit silly is when people of one fan-base claim that the fan-base of another team is inherently more asshatish, douchey, etc. I mean, maybe, but there are douches and asshats in every fan-base. I don't think A's fans are inherently worse than any other group.


This is the type of post that even-keeled, missionary-only (doggy on bday), risk averse sports fans might make. Let loose, my man. Pop a bottle and pour it on yourself.

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The gloating comes because of the endless jabb's I take on a yearly basis by A's fans. That is why I am gloating. It's so rude I will have people that never talk sports to me suddenly ask "what happened to your Angels" if the A's beat them once at the beginning of the season. One jerk actually started talking crap the day after Nick Adenheart was killed, saying "who care's you guys still lost". The endless calls, texts etc. yet once their team starts losing they say oh I don't watch baseball anymore until their team wins again. You must not know very many A's fans - since I am a transplant to the Bay Area I am surrounded by them.

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A's fans more than any other group (and I wore an Angels hat IN Dallas for 4 years of college) just love to push buttons when the Angels are losing. The last few years we have lost to them a lot and they never so much as tried to be gracious or pretend that they had any respect for our organization. The amount of unspeakable names our players and fans get called by Oakland faithful in our own stadium and on our own Instagram and twitter accounts is crazy. There was even some rejoicing online from those guys when Richards got hurt. Who gets happy about any player having a serious injury? 

The cherry on top is that sports media has a love affair with every move that Beane makes all the while completely IGNORING other teams who have succeeded on modest or even smaller budgets than Oakland. Ex. the Rays made it to the WS in 2008 with the second lowest budget in MLB. Yes, lower than the hallowed A's. 

So after YEARS of taunts, I feel pretty good today. This is an Angels community! It's not like we are over at OaklandLose.com rejoicing over their pain today. 

I'm probably done gloating for now because our own team plays tomorrow and I don't have room for the A's in my brain at this point. But i'm not apologizing for feeling good when the loudest division rivals get eliminated. 


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A's fans more than any other group (and I wore an Angels hat IN Dallas for 4 years of college) just love to push buttons when the Angels are losing. The last few years we have lost to them a lot and they never so much as tried to be gracious or pretend that they had any respect for our organization. The amount of unspeakable names our players and fans get called by Oakland faithful in our own stadium and on our own Instagram and twitter accounts is crazy. There was even some rejoicing online from those guys when Richards got hurt. Who gets happy about any player having a serious injury? 

The cherry on top is that sports media has a love affair with every move that Beane makes all the while completely IGNORING other teams who have succeeded on modest or even smaller budgets than Oakland. Ex. the Rays made it to the WS in 2008 with the second lowest budget in MLB. Yes, lower than the hallowed A's. 

So after YEARS of taunts, I feel pretty good today. This is an Angels community! It's not like we are over at OaklandLose.com rejoicing over their pain today. 

I'm probably done gloating for now because our own team plays tomorrow and I don't have room for the A's in my brain at this point. But i'm not apologizing for feeling good when the loudest division rivals get eliminated. 




Totally agree with you!

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A's fans more than any other group (and I wore an Angels hat IN Dallas for 4 years of college) just love to push buttons when the Angels are losing. The last few years we have lost to them a lot and they never so much as tried to be gracious or pretend that they had any respect for our organization. The amount of unspeakable names our players and fans get called by Oakland faithful in our own stadium and on our own Instagram and twitter accounts is crazy. There was even some rejoicing online from those guys when Richards got hurt. Who gets happy about any player having a serious injury?

The cherry on top is that sports media has a love affair with every move that Beane makes all the while completely IGNORING other teams who have succeeded on modest or even smaller budgets than Oakland. Ex. the Rays made it to the WS in 2008 with the second lowest budget in MLB. Yes, lower than the hallowed A's.

So after YEARS of taunts, I feel pretty good today. This is an Angels community! It's not like we are over at OaklandLose.com rejoicing over their pain today.

I'm probably done gloating for now because our own team plays tomorrow and I don't have room for the A's in my brain at this point. But i'm not apologizing for feeling good when the loudest division rivals get eliminated.


the A's fan site is TheA'sshole.com

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I guess I don't understand how authorizing a book (I read it) and a movie (I saw it) about how you out smarted 29 other teams, and then riding on that premise for the ensuing dozen years or so, isn't a form a gloating.  It probably is far more in your face gloating than a few pictures or comments on message board among rival fans.  The concepts employed by Bean in 2002 were not that revolutionary, especially as they were glamorized in the movie.  Other teams were toying with the same concepts, and statistical revolution in baseball was coming into vogue regardless.  I've run across many A's fans who think it was purely their invention, and to an extent it gave them this feeling that they are more intelligent fans than found in other MLB cities.  Oakland, you have had your 12 year gloat (and it will go on), please excuse us if we revel in your demise for a night. 

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I think some of you take moneyball way too personally.

anyway, without the movie, we wouldn't be able to create all these awesome gifs and memes


I don't think I'm taking it too seriously.  In many ways it popularizes and enhances baseball as a sport.  However, just to amplify on my earlier point here was my last encounter with A's fans (who I met for the first time).  It occurred at the recent sweep series in Anaheim.  Two couples in full A's gear sat to our right at one of the games (I think it was the second one).  Since they were new in our section I introduced myself to them, and they seemed really friendly.


tomsred:  Did you guys come all the way from Oakland for this game?


A's:  No, we live in Riverside.


tomsred:  How did you become A's fans, did you used to live there?


A's:  No, we have always lived in Riverside.


tomsred:  How did you become A's fans?


A's:  We saw the movie, Moneyball, we really liked it.  We like this team because they don't have any money, and they make up for it because they outsmart other teams.  We like underdogs.


tomsred:  Did you read the book?  You would probably like it.  I think it goes into a lot more details than the movie.


A's:  No, we don't really like reading books much, but maybe I'll check it out sometime.


tomsred:  Well the A's do get significant revenue sharing and have sources of income, your team has some really good players.  If they ever get a new stadium underway that will really help.


A's:  Are they building a new stadium, we usually don't travel up there?


You get the idea.

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Every team has bandwagon fans, even the A's.

usually whenever I attend A's games at the Big A, I see a large pocket of A's fans with their flags and junk cheering loudly. Not usually in an obnoxious way like Boston or doyers fans, but just showing their support.

I don't know if they come directly from Oakland, but they usually have beards

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