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Almost to the end of Spring Training, so how about some roster predictions?


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Starting Lineup(not getting into the AL vs NL games here)

Trout LF

Bourjos CF

Hamilton RF

Callaspo 3B

Aybar SS

Kendrick 2B

Pujols/Trumbo 1B

Pujols/Trumbo DH


Obviously nothing surprising there. The only one there that is even a question at all would be Bourjos vs. Wells, but I still think when the dust settles it will be Bourjos taking most of the playing time because Wells is Wells.





Backup Catcher- I guess this could be either Snyder or Conger at this point. I think Conger's throwing troubles give Snyder the edge for now, but I wouldn't be stunned by either decision. I also don't think it would take much for Conger to end up on the roster early on if he doesn't make it now.


Last guy, who I'm guessing is going to be one of the truckload of LH outfielders Dipoto brought in- Calhoun is in all likelihood the best player here and definitely has the most pop(although, not that I think it means anything, he hasn't really stood out this spring), but I don't know if using him in a role that looks like it's going to have such limited usage makes a ton of sense. I could see one of the others(Shuck, Young, Cousins) sneaking in if they rather give Calhoun more frequent ABs in Salt Lake. And this is the part where I mention that Shuck is my 2013 NRI Guy I Like More Than I Should.



Pitching Staff:


Rotation in ST rotation order, because I don't really care about the rotation order enough to do anything different:








Again no surprises here, although it will be interesting to see how short a leash Hanson has once the season gets going


Bullpen, again in no real order:









I think this might be the most likely one to change between now and April 1st. Not as much with the in camp guys shifting, but I wouldn't be surprised to see another guy added before then(one of the rumor guys did indicate that the team is looking through possibly available relievers), even if it's just someone like Ramon Ramirez who gets cut by another team in these last days.

Richards in the bullpen wouldn't be my first choice, but I don't think there is a reasonable alternative currently in camp. Now if they do bring in someone else...

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Carpenter, Richards, and Stetters left for two bullpen spots.

8 left for 4 offense spots. Conger, Synder, Hester, Romine, Rodriquez, Harris, Jimenez and Calhoun.

Coello is still in big league camp, isn't he? Not that I expect him to make the team though.

And Shuck is still around as well for that last bench spot.

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