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My script

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A few years back, around the time Nick Adenhart was taken from us, I had an idea for a one-hour television series imagining pirates adapting to the modern world.  I thought the name "Adenhart" would make a terrific pirate name, so I kept that in the back of my mind as I was slowly breaking the story.


With Adenhart's passing, I named the main clan in my story after Adenhart.  Unfortunately, the script didn't go anywhere which is a shame.  It was a fun script to write.


I was digging through some files tonight and found a draft and thought, because of the Adenhart reference, some of you might be interested in reading it.  My script writing program isn't letting me convert to pdf, so I'm throwing up an attachment here in case anyone has the patience to read the first several pages.  Lemme know if you want me to post the rest of it.

The teaser's a bit wordy, which I'm not happy about, but it delivers us into a pretty good story, if I do say so myself.  Enjoy...or not.


ps:  I don't like the title I have for it now.  Any suggestions are taken mostly seriously.


Clans no name.htm



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Montague pushes the throttle HARD. The boat slices through

the Pacific Ocean, a TAIL OF WATER shooting several feet in




Didn't read the whole thing.  But I fixed it for you.  No wonder the script went nowhere.  

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You nailed it gotbeer.  I actually had a Miami Vice reference in a previous draft but took it out thinking I would lose the reader if he/she knew me and my Miami Vice appreciation.


I didn't want the reader to think I was using the script as a vehicle to re-hash Vice.  It's hard enough to get an 'exec' to read a script.  They'll look for any reason to NOT read one. 

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Why are some of the words in all capitals?


I use caps in certain instances where I really want to emphasize a moment or situation or word.  It's something like an exclamation mark and is fairly common, especially in tv writing where you have only 60 pages as opposed to around 100+ in film writing. 

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