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Matt Garza

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i'm all for him sucking, but keep in mind it's march 12th.

True, but I think it's reasonable to be concerned when a SP gives up 10ER spring training or otherwise. Either way, I'm glad he sucks too.

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Well to be fair Weaver gave up 10 ER against the A's last ST.

It is just ST.

Garza hasn't been all that sharp since he was traded to the Rangers, and this performance gives me the impression that he's continuing to decline. I guess we'll see, I normally don't put much stock into ST either.
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I felt like the Garza deal was fair.  I wasn't a huge fan and I'm still not, but I think he has a decent chance of being worth the money relative to the rest of the market.  He'd probably have helped the Halos some.  Maybe not a ton. 


Also, he's a douche so him not being a halo makes him that much easier to rip on.  I hope he get's hammered. 

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Kazmir gave up 13 ER one time with us, then left and became a good pitcher with the Indians.

Three years later. I guess we should have kept him and ran him out there every fifth day until he magically regained his fastball and became an effective pitcher again.

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