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Orange County Register: Relocating Angels could cost up to $700 million, consultant says

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i don't know, maybe it's me, but i get a pay subscription pop up and redirected when i decline even on the la times. they can both suck it.


I was able to read it, and I'm not a subscriber.


No new information from what I saw, just a lot of the same stuff we have already discussed.

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Do you think Disney will buy that land or expect the city to give it to them.

Disney would buy the land. They always do. In fact, Disneyland already has plans to open a third park (3rd gate) and they're funding everything. Disney is and always will be King in Anaheim. They have all of the politicians on line but no worries, Curt Pringle and Associates will come to rescue the land deal for our Angels.

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Disney would buy the land. They always do. In fact, Disneyland already has plans to open a third park (3rd gate) and they're funding everything. Disney is and always will be King in Anaheim. They have all of the politicians on line but no worries, Curt Pringle and Associates will come to rescue the land deal for our Angels.


Do you think Disney's relationship with Anaheim is good?  It isn't.  It sucks.  So Disney buys the land at a decent price.  Anaheim gets nothing beyond that.  Other businesses don't benefit. 

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Let Anaheim call Arte's bluff.

Arte is unreal. He wastes hundreds of millions over hundreds of millions on washed-up has-beens, then bitches about the plumbing. Fix it yourself.

Haters gonna hate.

Poor us, we have an owner who spends money on the best player of his generation in an effort to continue to build the Angel brand. Sadly that player has been hurt and hasn't performed and may never perform to our expectations. But instead of giving Arte props for doing what he can to build a relevant team, we bitch about him. I'll take Arte and his efforts over Disney owning the team any day of the week. One other thing about Arte that I love is that with him owning the team, every single game is televised, something that Disney never found important enough to accomplish. So if Arte wants to bitch about plumbing that is some 50 years old in a stadium he occupies but doesn't own, feel free Arte.

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Haters gonna hate.

Poor us, we have an owner who spends money on the best player of his generation in an effort to continue to build the Angel brand. Sadly that player has been hurt and hasn't performed and may never perform to our expectations. But instead of giving Arte props for doing what he can to build a relevant team, we bitch about him. I'll take Arte and his efforts over Disney owning the team any day of the week. One other thing about Arte that I love is that with him owning the team, every single game is televised, something that Disney never found important enough to accomplish. So if Arte wants to bitch about plumbing that is some 50 years old in a stadium he occupies but doesn't own, feel free Arte.



Buying rapidly depreciating assets (or in stock parlance, trying to catch falling knives) is a bad business decision.  Pujols two years ago was declining in performance.  He's done nothing to build the Angels Brand. (80% of Angels marketing revolves around Trout, 5% Weaver, and 5% others, including the "Brand Builders".


Arte's done nothing but complain and fight Anaheim since he got here.  So do everyone a favor and leave.  What's that, nobody offering him land and goodies???  Then stay and invest some money in the stadium instead of has-beens.


Disney revamped the stadium with little bitching.  And won a World Series.

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I'm glad Arte is the owner. He is a better owner than Disney.

That said, the arguments put forth to defend him from an earlier poster are ludicrous. Especially the TV comment.

As ludicrous as making up childish names for hall of fame players?

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I personally have thought for years that their needs to be a ginormous parking structure and that even just half the land surrounding the stadium should be improved upon. Imagine like a AngelsLand surrounding the stadium - it would be a freaking cash COW. The sales tax revenue alone should be incentive enough for Anaheim to let Arte have his way and see what he can make of it.

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I personally have thought for years that their needs to be a ginormous parking structure and that even just half the land surrounding the stadium should be improved upon. Imagine like a AngelsLand surrounding the stadium - it would be a freaking cash COW. The sales tax revenue alone should be incentive enough for Anaheim to let Arte have his way and see what he can make of it.

That ignores the alternative costs. The city could sell/rent that land to Arte for more money and still make a "cash cow" from the parking lot development.

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Do you think Disney's relationship with Anaheim is good? It isn't. It sucks. So Disney buys the land at a decent price. Anaheim gets nothing beyond that. Other businesses don't benefit.

People from across the globe talk about and travel to Disneyland. Where do you think the 16 millions visiters per year stay or eat while they're visiting Disneyland in Anaheim? Other businesses don't benefit? In 2013 Disneyland reported record attendance and revenue.

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The development of the land surrounding the ballpark has been talked about for years.......the Golden Triangle or whatever they call it.........all sorts of proposals:


1.) new NFL Stadium with hotels and restaurants surrounding it.


2.) new baseball park built next to Angels Stadium with hotels and restaurants surrounding it.


3.) a entertainment zone with hotels and restaurants/ night clubs surrounding it.


4.) retail development with more hotels and restaurant surrounding it.......


This was back when development agency type financing could be utilized -- now the use of that financing mechanism is not available at the present time.


results of all the efforts -- ZERO.


that's why giving Arte the development rights over the property really isn't that big of deal for the city of Anaheim........they own the property and they don't pay property taxes.......allowing an outside developer (like Arte) to develop the property would put the property in private hands with private investment developing the property meaning increasing property tax and presumably associated increase in sales and bed tax revenues..........


what is the (parking lot) property generating in property tax today -- probably ZERO.


but the biggest problem with the City of Anaheim right now is that whether one likes the offer or thinks it is a giveaway of public assets to the Angels -- the bottom line is the offer was approved by the City Council and presented to Arte and the Angels only to be, apparently, pulled back (which it hasn't technically but the Mayor's opposition complicates the issue). Presumably the Angels could say 'we accept' the terms of the City Council offer and then sit back watch the city leaders squirm.


Oh well. Realistically, the Angels seem to have few options in terms of a move.......don't think they would ever do this again (flashback to O'Malley-Bavasi dealings with Gene Autry) but the SF Giants announced this week that they would share AT&T Park up in the Bay Area while the A's were building a new ballpark.......


so could the Angels share Dodger Stadium for a season again?  Wouldn't like it at all, but I presume it could happen. 

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People from across the globe talk about and travel to Disneyland. Where do you think the 16 millions visiters per year stay or eat while they're visiting Disneyland in Anaheim? Other businesses don't benefit? In 2013 Disneyland reported record attendance and revenue.


most them do so inside of disneyland, not outside of it.

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Would anyone be opposed to leasing the land to Disney or the owners of the Anaheim Ducks for a dollar for the next 66 years if they planned to develop restaurants and hotels?   


The only people who should be opposed are people who it might negatively impact.  Otherwise, why would anyone give a rat's ass?  


Funny thing though, unless the lease was altered when Disney took over the Angels may be the ones opposed any such moves....   They had the right of refusal to any development that would impact their guaranteed 12K "ground level" parking spots...   It's this control over what can and cannot be built on the land due to parking spaces that caused the rift between the City of Anaheim and the LA Rams, ultimately leading to a legal decision in 1988.


The COA and the Angels have been squabbling over the parking lot since 1983.  The Angels filed suits in both 83 and 85 that basically ended plans to develop the parking lots.  This notion that the friction between the City of Anaheim and the Angels is Arte's doing is revisionist history at it's best.


People want to take sides, cast blame, and talk about who has leverage over the other but when it's all said and done both sides have something to lose and a lot to gain by just putting the BS aside and working together.

Edited by Inside Pitch
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most them do so inside of disneyland, not outside of it.

How many hotels are Disney owned? There are a lot of hotels and restaurants surrounding the park that sure seem to be full and many of them are pretty junky.

The city will still get tax revenue no matter who owns the hotels. Maybe the best thing for the city is to let Disney clean it up by building nice hotels, shopping centers and restaurants.

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Would anyone be opposed to leasing the land to Disney or the owners of the Anaheim Ducks for a dollar for the next 66 years if they planned to develop restaurants and hotels?   


I wouldn't.  But let me ask you this.  Since you seem so against most everything this ownership, front office, management and players do would you even care if the team left the area?  It sure doesn't seem so.


I would feel bad.  Seems like Disneyland and the Angels are one of the few things that give OC its own flavor.  Sounds like a lot of you folks don't value that much and wouldn't really care if it left.

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