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Cops are great


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3 hours ago, InsideThePark said:

Nope, he knows Obama too. Somehow he became complicit in all this. To be fair, he heard it on Fox News so it must be true.

Btw, I love how all black people are being held responsible lol. Anyone who's skimmed through black social media sees the same stuff on the other end. Blacks try to convince others that not all white people are bad and they get shouted down by those who aren't in the mood to hear it. Certainly not atypical to see this talk in most groups.

I don't believe anyone is arguing "all blacks are responsible for this"

Nice strawman though, its fits nicely on a bumper sticker.

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11 minutes ago, mtangelsfan said:

I don't believe anyone is arguing "all blacks are responsible for this"

Nice strawman though, its fits nicely on a bumper sticker.

Dude, you are the worst after tragedies. No coincidence that you're always getting into it with multiple people after shit like this.

No one use the word "all" but there were some broad statements made. I really don't want to rehash it. I understand that people get emotional and say things they otherwise wouldn't. We should focus on the new information that's being put forward. This guy hated white people, especially white cops.

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10 minutes ago, nate said:

My problem is that BLM protests one off police killings when thousands of black people are killed by other black people in inner city violence every day.  Need to clean up their own house first.  These protests are disruptive and cost tens of thousands of tax payer dollars even when they are peaceful.

Here we go again with the 35 million man lockstep. Why do they have to protest what doesn't affect them personally because they share the same race?

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30 minutes ago, InsideThePark said:

Dude, you are the worst after tragedies. No coincidence that you're always getting into it with multiple people after shit like this.

No one use the word "all" but there were some broad statements made. I really don't want to rehash it. I understand that people get emotional and say things they otherwise wouldn't. We should focus on the new information that's being put forward. This guy hated white people, especially white cops.

wow.  you brought it up.  As far new information there is too many different stories to make too much sense out of it.  I haven't attributed any blame to anyone.

Thanks for the personal attack though.  

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20 minutes ago, arch stanton said:

Here we go again with the 35 million man lockstep. Why do they have to protest what doesn't affect them personally because they share the same race?

Because it is hypocritical as hell?  Black lives matter, only when they are killed by white cops which makes up .01% of the black lives deaths?

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The only (somewhat) legitimate concern I have with the semantics of #BLM, other than it should have been painfully obvious that it would cause serious consternation, is that it can overshadow other affected minorities. Police conduct being scrutinized is a good thing universally, especially if it also highlights the extraordinary tough job law enforcement themselves face and the need for new solutions to their tougher issues. (Personal bias time) But how many in the public even know that blacks in this country (somehow?!!?!?) aren't even the group facing the most disproportionate amount of police related deaths based on population. That dubious distinction goes to the native population in this country who despite only being 0.8% of the population made up 1.9% of the deaths by police in 2014 . We really need to hire better PR firms... So I totally get #BLM on a deeply personal level, but the problem the sobering problem is that it is an even bigger problem than the term implies.

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15 minutes ago, nate said:

Because it is hypocritical as hell?  Black lives matter, only when they are killed by white cops which makes up .01% of the black lives deaths?

How is it hypocritical if they aren't the ones who are doing the killing and don't live in those neighborhoods? All the blacks I know are far more likely to get shot by a cop than by a black thug. Is it their responsibility to run police a neighborhood they have nothing to do with?

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4 minutes ago, arch stanton said:

How is it hypocritical if they aren't the ones who are doing the killing and don't live in those neighborhoods? All the blacks I know are far more likely to get shot by a cop than by a black thug. Is it their responsibility to run police a neighborhood they have nothing to do with?

There are what, 10-15 cops killing black people a year and like 5 of those are questionable?  Are you sure your math is correct?  They are probably much more likely to get killed in a car accident than being killed by a cop too.

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1 hour ago, wopphil said:

I am guessing we will learn today that it was a lone gunman and that the other arrested individuals had nothing to do with it.  Nothing more than a single crazy person with a high-powered gun. 

This is how I'm looking at it too. It reminds me of Kent State. Some loser asshole with a rifle picking off people.

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Police said he claimed to be acting alone, but they're still going with the story that there were two shooters.

I believe the two people in the Mercedes were released. Not sure what happened to the woman they arrested near the scene or the other suspect reportedly arrested. Police have been tight lipped about these details.


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