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Cops are great


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Just now, calscuf said:

How about as a society black people look in the fucking mirror?

That is racist. We can't expect them to do that. its hard to look in the mirror with a foot on your throat.

Dallas PD still negotiating with a suspect. You've got two of them, just move in on this individual. If he fires, end his life.

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6 minutes ago, Angels_Make_Me_Drink said:

Dallas PD is not certain everyone is in custody that needs to be. Could still be active suspects. Confirming that this is planned and being treated as a planned attack. Suspects aren't breaking as of yet. 

Are their ACLU attorneys present yet?


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5 minutes ago, Angels_Make_Me_Drink said:

I can't wait to hear Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and the likes of them defend this move. 

Why these two? Are they leaders of BLM? Are they advocating murdering cops? Or are they just the only 2 non-athlete, non-rapper black people you've ever heard of?

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And there lies the problem. Plenty of black people have told them to STFU. The vast majority of black people don't kill anybody. Yet they are expected to clean up the mess of other black people because they are black. Like you said. A few dipshits. How are blacks who aren't involved in this more responsible for cleaning it up than anyone else?

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53 minutes ago, arch stanton said:

Why these two? Are they leaders of BLM? Are they advocating murdering cops? Or are they just the only 2 non-athlete, non-rapper black people you've ever heard of?

Why these two? Because they're the first two people to jump out and scream RACISM and scream JUSTICE whenever a black man is murdered by a white man. How often do they campaign to end inner city violence? How often are they out there publicly decrying black on black violence? How often are they out there criticizing the wrongs of fellow black men? But when a white officer kills a black man, they're flying around this country to meet with the family and offer legal advice and support and aid and such.

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1 hour ago, Angels_Make_Me_Drink said:

Why these two? Because they're the first two people to jump out and scream RACISM and scream JUSTICE whenever a black man is murdered by a white man. How often do they campaign to end inner city violence? How often are they out there publicly decrying black on black violence? How often are they out there criticizing the wrongs of fellow black men? But when a white officer kills a black man, they're flying around this country to meet with the family and offer legal advice and support and aid and such.

Well according to a 30 second Google search Jackson held a new conference last Saturday to ask for peace over the holiday weekend but I'm more interested in what you expect him to say about this. You don't even know who did it yet. 

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3 hours ago, arch stanton said:

Why these two? Are they leaders of BLM? Are they advocating murdering cops? Or are they just the only 2 non-athlete, non-rapper black people you've ever heard of?

Nope, he knows Obama too. Somehow he became complicit in all this. To be fair, he heard it on Fox News so it must be true.

Btw, I love how all black people are being held responsible lol. Anyone who's skimmed through black social media sees the same stuff on the other end. Blacks try to convince others that not all white people are bad and they get shouted down by those who aren't in the mood to hear it. Certainly not atypical to see this talk in most groups.

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