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Cops are great


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On January 27, 2016 at 11:10 AM, OCAngelsNotLAA said:

I am a fan of police.  I have friends and family in the service and understand the difficulties of their job but there also needs to accountability.  If you fire a lethal weapon at an innocent person you need to lose your job if not face jail time, and lose your right to have a gun.  I feel like we keep making excuses for the officers to excuse their actions when we are talking about attempted murder!  If any of us emptied our guns on a paper delivery truck with 2 women in it we would go to jail for a long time. There are a lot of cadets out there looking for a city to offer them a job.  If we could start holding police accountable for their actions and showing them that they can be replaced easily then we would have a lot of cops think twice about using deadly force  in situations that clearly don't require it.  Taking a life shouldn't be easy.  Lets follow the rules we learned in Top Gun "Do not fire until fired upon".

These officers continue to carry weapons, while a guy convicted 10 years ago of possessing a gram of coke isn't allowed to purchase a hunting rifle. 

(Don't worry, cals, I didn't use your name)

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  • 2 weeks later...

In California you are to give the right of way to police with their lights and sirens on, not just roll through the green light obstructing police. Both idiots had a clear view of the oncoming police cars and yet still went through the intersection. Florida.

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22 minutes ago, Blarg said:

In California you are to give the right of way to police with their lights and sirens on, not just roll through the green light obstructing police. Both idiots had a clear view of the oncoming police cars and yet still went through the intersection. Florida.

What? That guy was traveling way to fast to go through a red. I don't care if he had his sirens on or not. He's lucky he didn't kill anyone.

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I forgot. when police are in pursuit they should look both ways before entering a crosswalk.

The two cars never should have entered the intersection. It's on them for not paying any attention to what is going on around them.

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2 hours ago, Blarg said:

I forgot. when police are in pursuit they should look both ways before entering a crosswalk.

The two cars never should have entered the intersection. It's on them for not paying any attention to what is going on around them.

Nope, it's on the adrenaline junkie for blowing through the red light like that.

not to worry though, he'll be back out and endangering the population in no time.


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On 5/10/2016 at 7:21 PM, gotbeer said:

LOL.  But in the officers defense.  When someone is getting arrested.  Probably not the best thing to rush in there. 

It looked like she raised her arm and was about to hit the other officer. I'm perfectly OK with this.

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1 hour ago, mtangelsfan said:

He tried to get the weapon. Force is justified but I find it really shocking that the medical personnel are making comments about all the weight on him. Compression asphyxia is a real concern. I know my department has given us a lot of training on that and excited delirium. That was a medical emergency and should have been treated as such. This sounds like a training issue that this department needs to address. As for tasering him for 4 minutes (as the article claims), something else should have tried as it was obvious that it wasn't working.

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Just now, mtangelsfan said:

"He tried to get the weapon. Force is justified "

If that was a gun or a baton I would fully agree with you but I'm guessing he was trying to grab the taser because he didn't want to get tased again.

What if he tases the cop? Now the officer can't protect his firearm. That's not good

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56 minutes ago, mtangelsfan said:

My bad.  Still dead.

I don't understand the desire to smoke this synthetic shit. It doesn't seem fun and people end up jumping out of windows, biting people or just dying. The cops probably shouldn't have zapped him 15 friggin times but it's a little hard to feel sympathy for him. Who I do feel sorry for is his parents. I can't imagine watching my son be killed in front of me with no power to stop it from happening. 

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4 minutes ago, mtangelsfan said:

Yeah, he played a big part and the gene pool might be slightly better but the fact remains that cops are ending lives and usually not held responsible at all.

Were the officers attempting kill him or is the department responsible for how it trains or doesn't train it's officers?

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Here is an interesting article on taser use. If these officers used it in a way different from their training then they should be held responsible. I assure you that the taser was only a partial reason for the death. When a taser is used it keeps an electronic record of when it was used and for how long so the exact amount of electricity that was put into this man is well documented.

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“I got all the weight of the world on him now,” 

That's probably what killed him. I remember from football what a scary feeling it is to not be able to take in a breath, and that was just for a few moments. Two or three knees in the back seem to be cop's MO. "Stop Resisting! Stop Resisting!" He was already in cuffs. Psychopaths.

The conversation after with the older, fatter cop was telling. "We're fucked", "Naw", said the smiling older cop, "you're fine".

No great loss perhaps. One shitbag killed by a gang of them. Thanks for calling the cops, mom. You played psychopath roulette and lost.

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Just now, mtangelsfan said:

So no such thing as manslaughter?  

If they were not in line with their department's policy or the Graham V. Connor standards then yes, it could be manslaughter or murder. There are so many variables that we do not have with this. Like I said in a previous post, the amount of stuns seems a bit much in my opinion and they should have used a different force option

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