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Cops are great


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The cop who had the prior altercation with the dad is supposedly going to be released on bond.


The cop's father (who is also asst. DA) is putting up his property.




I'm wondering if they plan on doing some "housekeeping" after he's bonded.

Edited by the dude abides
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The cop who had the prior altercation with the dad is supposedly going to be released on bond.

The cop's father (who is also asst. DA) is putting up his property.


I'm wondering if they plan on doing some "housekeeping" after he's bonded.

If I had a son that was involved with something like this there would be no bail from his parents.

My wife was contacted by someone she had worked with at a different school that wanted us to post bail by putting our house up for collateral for her son that was involved in a drunk driving vehicular manslaughter where he killed three people, including his best friend. Another crying mom that says he's a good boy and yet we knew that within a week her good boy would be in Mexico hiding out with relatives. She didn't care, as long as her son got freed.

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Downey Officer Ricardo Galvez shot to death, manhunt underway in Montebello


horrible.  But there has to be a backstory to this. I can't imagine someone just randomly shooting a cop in the police parking lot.  


My condolences to Officer Galvez' family, friends, co-workers, Department, and citizens of Downey.  He sounds like he was a great Officer for their City. 


The story so far is that these kids were looking to rob somebody, and picked Officer Galvez.  He was in street-clothes, and had just gotten into his car after his shift.  I'm not discounting the possibility that he may have been targeted as a Police Officer, but the story is leaning toward it being a random incident.


Apparently, their Department parking is limited and forces Officers to park on the streets nearby.  This station is also supposedly in the middle of their large business district, which would tend to support the idea of the suspects looking to rob someone in that area.


All three suspects will most likely be tried as adults in a special-circumstance murder (during commission of a robbery, and they're going to try to put a gang-enhancement on it as well).

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All three suspects will most likely be tried as adults in a special-circumstance murder (during commission of a robbery, and they're going to try to put a gang-enhancement on it as well).

I have accepted that people are evil and rotten and will do shit like this because they are disgusting human beings. But I can't understand how the selfish side of the person doesn't say "I am not going to do this act because I don't want to spend the next 60 years in prison." It amazes me how quickly and easily some people will throw their own lives away.

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I thik it's so fúcked up the criminal justice system values a cops life more than mine.

And if I was murdered it might be a 100 word blip on the Register but if some average joe cop is killed all the local news goes apeshit while the cops get to throw on their military battle garb and go hunting for Mexicans.


Well... you are a lawyer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The other night, I went to a 7-11 near a motel in Irvine. There's some construction going on in the parking lot, so I parked near the motel and walked to the 7-11. It was about 8pm.

As I walk up, there's about 4 Irvine cops in front of the store and they're talking to some woman. I go in, buy a coke and some cheese, and walk out. I go back to my car, and a cop pulls up, blocking me from leaving.

He gets out, asks me questions, and tells me people use motels for crimes. I tell him in parked here because of the construction, and i went to 7-11. I show him the stuff I bought. He proceeded to search me personally. I comply. He asks me why I'm there. Told him again, 7-11.

He asks to search my entire car. I decline, telling him he's harrassing me and wasting my time and I want to leave. I tell him I have cooperated and i have the right to not have my car searched. He says he has probable cause. I tell him he doesn't.

He searches my entire car. Finds NOTHING. I'm furious.

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The other night, I went to a 7-11 near a motel in Irvine. There's some construction going on in the parking lot, so I parked near the motel and walked to the 7-11. It was about 8pm.

As I walk up, there's about 4 Irvine cops in front of the store and they're talking to some woman. I go in, buy a coke and some cheese, and walk out. I go back to my car, and a cop pulls up, blocking me from leaving.

He gets out, asks me questions, and tells me people use motels for crimes. I tell him in parked here because of the construction, and i went to 7-11. I show him the stuff I bought. He proceeded to search me personally. I comply. He asks me why I'm there. Told him again, 7-11.

He asks to search my entire car. I decline, telling him he's harrassing me and wasting my time and I want to leave. I tell him I have cooperated and i have the right to not have my car searched. He says he has probable cause. I tell him he doesn't.

He searches my entire car. Finds NOTHING. I'm furious.

That is incredibly messed up...especially you getting patted down. 


I'd never comply with that guy, but with cops being trigger happy these days I'd rather not risk it. Smart move on your part. 


It's sad to see the Constitution being completely disregarded these days. What ever happened to getting a search warrant? Ridiculous.

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i'm wondering why the cop believed he had probably cause to search you or your car. had you been smoking or drinking?

you did the right thing by complying. i wonder what your legal options are and if they would be worth pursuing.

Speaking respectfully, bullshit. Complying just fed that cop's ego. Of course, if he hadn't complied he would have been much worse off. It's a no-win situation. Abuse of power, plain and simple.

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The other night, I went to a 7-11 near a motel in Irvine. There's some construction going on in the parking lot, so I parked near the motel and walked to the 7-11. It was about 8pm.

As I walk up, there's about 4 Irvine cops in front of the store and they're talking to some woman. I go in, buy a coke and some cheese, and walk out. I go back to my car, and a cop pulls up, blocking me from leaving.

He gets out, asks me questions, and tells me people use motels for crimes. I tell him in parked here because of the construction, and i went to 7-11. I show him the stuff I bought. He proceeded to search me personally. I comply. He asks me why I'm there. Told him again, 7-11.

He asks to search my entire car. I decline, telling him he's harrassing me and wasting my time and I want to leave. I tell him I have cooperated and i have the right to not have my car searched. He says he has probable cause. I tell him he doesn't.

He searches my entire car. Finds NOTHING. I'm furious.

Sorry this happened to you, Hollywood...


But, the fact is that Irvine Cops suck for the most part.  I base this on my own professional and personal experience.  I'm sure there are some great Cops that work for the by-the-book robot factory down there, but I've learned of a lot of bad experiences with them.

A friend of mine left two of our Departments' best jobs, to lateral there a few years ago.  He was back within two months, with lots of horror stories.  He lost a lot of seniority coming back, but kept his sanity.


I personally got rung-up for almost two weeks suspension after a minor run-in with IPD at a Buffett show a few years ago...  It stemmed from something so minor, I wouldn't have even cited a regular citizen for it (not to mention another Officer).  Two of these four IPD Cops were former friends who had lateralled there (and a diminutive Sgt. Wyatt and a rookie).  This Sgt. basically pushed an issue that wasn't there, in order to prove to all of us present that he was the boss.  ALL four came into my hearing, and flat-out lied about what had happened.  I got my suspension reduced, in spite of MY OWN Deputy Chief trying to make himself look good to IPD.


The best advice for encounters with Police has already been mentioned previously: Follow the Officers' directions during the incident, and fight your battle in court.  I would strongly recommend videotaping every encounter.  If you can't do that, at least turn-on your cellphone's audio-recorder.  Most encounters go smoothly, but I sure wish I had some electronic evidence for mine.

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