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Cops are great


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Good thing is that the police are starting to wear cameras and this type of situation will hopefully become a thing of the past.


They will manipulate the cameras just like they manipulate the police reports. 


They will manipulate the cameras just like they removed antennas to prevent detection of their whereabouts



The only hope is the citizenry's cell phone videos.

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Good thing is that the police are starting to wear cameras and this type of situation will hopefully become a thing of the past.


from what i understand, the cameras have to be activated by the officer using them. i imagine there will be a few times they forget to turn them on.

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forgot all about this thread

a few months ago, i testified in court as a witness to an arrest.

i didn't know the guy who got arrested so i had no reason to skew the facts.

incredibly, the cop sat in the witness box and lied his ass off.

he left out most of the pertinent information in his report of what actually occured and 95% of what the defendant had said (in response to the cop's questions)

the best part was when he read aloud that this guy "assaulted" a girl he didn't know by grabbing her arm as she tried to walk away and trying to get in the car with her.

Turns out he had dated the girl for 3 years and they were now best friends. The cop went on to state that he never got the girl's name. Unfortunately for him, this girl is now dating a local police sargent, who called her immediately after seeing her name pop up when the cop called it in.

to his credit, the judge let the cop have it.

Edited by Lou
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An example needs to be made of this guy. These kind of cops cause the public to form negative opinions on police. Most aren't like this jackass


anyone know why the guy started running away from the cop?


there's also a new dash cam video showing the guy running from his car after being pulled over. it's worth asking why he ran both times (though it doesn't excuse the officer from just flat out shooting him and then trying to plant evidence).

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forgot all about this thread

a few months ago, i testified in court as a witness to an arrest.

i didn't know the guy who got arrested so i had no reason to skew the facts.

incredibly, the cop sat in the witness box and lied his ass off.

he left out most of the pertinent information in his report of what actually occured and 95% of what the defendant had said (in response to the cop's questions)

the best part was when he read aloud that this guy "assaulted" a girl he didn't know by grabbing her arm as she tried to walk away and trying to get in the car with her.

Turns out he had dated the girl for 3 years and they were now best friends. The cop went on to state that he never got the girl's name. Unfortunately for him, this girl is now dating a local police sargent, who called her immediately after seeing her name pop up when the cop called it in.

to his credit, the judge let the cop have it.

That cop should be in jail.

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Just saw that on TV. It made me sick to my stomach.

When there are that many guys beating someone who is no longer a threat, there is a widespread problem. This wasn't just one rogue cop. This was a gang of sheriffs assaulting someone as a group.


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It is like gang mentality on that one.  Crazy. I'm fine with the dude getting tazed and handled a little roughly for running but damn, the kicks in the groin and the head, that is assault.


I see the main dude is saying "if there is any misconduct".  LOL

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"Deputies said the Taser was ineffective due to his loose clothing and a use of force occurred."


This is like when politicians lie and think they'll get away with it.  It's unbelievable hubris.  It comes from having gotten away with it for so long.  

Congrats, PD.  You had a guy who was a textbook asshole - "Pusok has convictions for resisting arrest, animal cruelty, disturbing the peace, attempted robbery and failure to provide evidence of financial responsibility" - and you made him into a martyr.  

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With regards to the black fella in South Carolina, they've got a dash camera showing him get out of his car and take off on foot when getting pulled over and then later wrestling with the cop.

Obviously running from a cop shouldn't be a death sentence, but maybe he shouldn't have run from the cops. I've never run from a cop and I've actually never been shot in the back.


This is complete and utter bullshit.

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anyone know why the guy started running away from the cop?


there's also a new dash cam video showing the guy running from his car after being pulled over. it's worth asking why he ran both times (though it doesn't excuse the officer from just flat out shooting him and then trying to plant evidence).

According to the family he had a warrant for child support issues. Obviously force should have been used to stop him but shooting someone without just cause? It would be different if this guy had the capability of serious violence.

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With regards to the black fella in South Carolina, they've got a dash camera showing him get out of his car and take off on foot when getting pulled over and then later wrestling with the cop.

Obviously running from a cop shouldn't be a death sentence, but maybe he shouldn't have run from the cops. I've never run from a cop and I've actually never been shot in the back.


If I'm a black person pulled over in the South Carolina...I'd probably think about running as well. At least you give yourself a headstart.


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If I'm a black person pulled over in the South Carolina...I'd probably think about running as well. At least you give yourself a headstart.


Thankfully I'm white.


If I get pulled over in SC I'll just bust out my bottle of Jack and buy the officer a drink.

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Just watched the video of the dude in Apple Valley. After laughing when he was on the horse my jaw dropped to see how he was handled. There is no justification for that at all. When a guy is on the ground obviously listening to orders given and put his hands behind his back there is nothing else to do but get on him and cuff him. I hope all of those officers are suspended/fired that laid a finger on him.

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"Deputies said the Taser was ineffective due to his loose clothing and a use of force occurred."[/size]


This is like when politicians lie and think they'll get away with it.  It's unbelievable hubris.  It comes from having gotten away with it for so long.  

Congrats, PD.  You had a guy who was a textbook asshole - "Pusok has convictions for resisting arrest, animal cruelty, disturbing the peace, attempted robbery and failure to provide evidence of financial responsibility" - and you made him into a martyr.  [/size]

well said, Glen.

Oh, hold on one second! He got a ticket for not having proof of insurance?

Go to town, boys!

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i wonder why there have been so many incidents involving police the last few years. are we just simply more aware of it, or have cell phones/cameras made it easier to catch behavior that has always been there? are the number of police incidents increasing? are people getting bolder? 


if i'm in charge of law enforcement, i really want to get to the bottom of why there are so many of these incidents, and i want to find ways to curtail them, whether it means better screening of police candidates or hiring more mental health people to deal with the stresses of the job.

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definitley because they are being captured by some electronic device. Once that gets out it leads to public outrage (understandably)

The police just can't sweep everything under the rug anymore. It just amazes me that after so many incidents, cops continue to do the same stupid crap without hesitation.

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Part of me thinks that there isn't a rise in these issues as much as there are more ways to hold police accountable. Not just video...but with the internet and social media what is a local story in South Carolina suddenly becomes a national story. I think there are a lot of things that fall in to this category.


But part of me also thinks that there is more of a gang mentality within law enforcement...more of an us against them. I don't necessarily have any specific explanations for why I think that...just a gut feeling. Maybe it's tied to reason #1 and hearing more stories a long this line.

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There likely is an "us vs. them" mentality among police.  The "us" being the police of course and the "them" being everyone else, not just criminals.


We see only the worst of the worst incidents in the media but on a daily basis the police have to deal with all the low-life scum in society.


That doesn't justify the complete breakdown of professionalism we see from time to time.


Without the police we'd be screwed.

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There likely is an "us vs. them" mentality among police.  The "us" being the police of course and the "them" being everyone else, not just criminals.


We see only the worst of the worst incidents in the media but on a daily basis the police have to deal with all the low-life scum in society.


That doesn't justify the complete breakdown of professionalism we see from time to time.


Without the police we'd be screwed.


Define 'from time to time'

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