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Cops are great


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I am a fan of police.  I have friends and family in the service and understand the difficulties of their job but there also needs to accountability.  If you fire a lethal weapon at an innocent person you need to lose your job if not face jail time, and lose your right to have a gun.  I feel like we keep making excuses for the officers to excuse their actions when we are talking about attempted murder!  If any of us emptied our guns on a paper delivery truck with 2 women in it we would go to jail for a long time. There are a lot of cadets out there looking for a city to offer them a job.  If we could start holding police accountable for their actions and showing them that they can be replaced easily then we would have a lot of cops think twice about using deadly force  in situations that clearly don't require it.  Taking a life shouldn't be easy.  Lets follow the rules we learned in Top Gun "Do not fire until fired upon".

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I am a fan of police.  I have friends and family in the service and understand the difficulties of their job but there also needs to accountability.  If you fire a lethal weapon at an innocent person you need to lose your job if not face jail time, and lose your right to have a gun.  I feel like we keep making excuses for the officers to excuse their actions when we are talking about attempted murder!  If any of us emptied our guns on a paper delivery truck with 2 women in it we would go to jail for a long time. There are a lot of cadets out there looking for a city to offer them a job.  If we could start holding police accountable for their actions and showing them that they can be replaced easily then we would have a lot of cops think twice about using deadly force  in situations that clearly don't require it.  Taking a life shouldn't be easy.  Lets follow the rules we learned in Top Gun "Do not fire until fired upon".

I agree with everything you said here, except the last sentence.  Mention it to your friends and family in LE, and they will give you a multitude of reasonable, legal reasons why we are not held to this standard.


I'll give you one great example of a real incident...  A suspect led Police on a pursuit after carjacking a vehicle at gunpoint.  During the pursuit, he fired at pursuing units.  At the termination point (When he was finally driving on metal), the suspect got out of the car, with guns in hand and waistband, and tried to run into a fast food restaurant.  He was shot by several Officers, and was hit in his back a few times.  This shooting falls-under the duty to act as an Officer, to protect the public from and imminent threat and a substantial risk.

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The DA wouldn't bring charges based on the totality of this specific situation.

But, I do agree that they should no longer be working as Officers.


They should have faced reckless endangerment charges.  Would not have mattered if they were actually the suspect, to fire hundreds of rounds in a public place while nobody is firing back is criminal.  Police or no police.

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I agree with everything you said here, except the last sentence.  Mention it to your friends and family in LE, and they will give you a multitude of reasonable, legal reasons why we are not held to this standard.


I'll give you one great example of a real incident...  A suspect led Police on a pursuit after carjacking a vehicle at gunpoint.  During the pursuit, he fired at pursuing units.  At the termination point (When he was finally driving on metal), the suspect got out of the car, with guns in hand and waistband, and tried to run into a fast food restaurant.  He was shot by several Officers, and was hit in his back a few times.  This shooting falls-under the duty to act as an Officer, to protect the public from and imminent threat and a substantial risk.


Huh? In your example he had already fired upon the pursuing units. The post you are responding to said if the cops are fired upon its justified.

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