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Australian Officials upset at Zack Greinke


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He's their number 2. I agree with what he said.

Really? He's getting paid 20 million dollars a yea to play a game and MLB is trying to promote baseball worldwide. How about he STFU and pitches. And they won't leave him at home because they're considering not having Kershaw pitch that series

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Really? He's getting paid 20 million dollars a yea to play a game and MLB is trying to promote baseball worldwide. How about he STFU and pitches. And they won't leave him at home because they're considering not having Kershaw pitch that series

You're making up a lot of crap. I agreed with his quote that nobody is excited about starting the MLB season Australia (other than some fans in that area). I'd probably feel the same way if I was a player of a fan of either team.

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Have him stay home????  Have him benefit from his dumb statement (even if it's the way he feels).


NO. Don't do that.


Make him go and make his do the team caravans where the players meet and greet the fans there.


Look, this guy is being paid really well to do what the ball club asks him to do --primarily pitch effectively and win games........but there's also a PR element to this and for some reason the Dodgers agreed with MLB to do this opening day season gig (which does seem like a logistics nightmare at the start of a season).......


so the last thing he should be doing is bashing the host country.......

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Yes, punish him.  Leave him at home.




Or maybe punish him, and make him go and leave the wife at home.


Sure she's a catch for Greinke because he's straight up goofy looking, but IMO she is not that hot at all.


And as far as the stupid crap that comes out of his mouth, I'm just glad he's not on our team anymore.

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