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Official 2014 Olympic Hockey Thread


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Canada owns Olympic hockey -- perhaps as it should be.


Congrats to Finland -- nice bronze.


Anyone else on these Olympics re this: seems like they're here and gone -- the hockey stuff that I care the most about just seemed to be poorly covered compared to Vancouver.


Maybe it's the time difference and all -- and I am not complaining about the announcers or the pre and post game panels -- I just thought there was less emphasis on it and if you really had to stay on top of the schedule to figure out who was playing and when.......


I enjoyed the Vancouver competition so much -- this year seemed like a let down (and that's not just because the USA team wasn't in the medal hunt -- I guess that Canada-USA final at Vancouver is tough to beat -- what a great game that was and great finish to the competition with the host country winning their signature event in sudden death OT).


I don't know -- in Vancouver, I felt that the Olympic competition really gave a huge platform and stage for the NHL, the competition was great, the games were good, the coverage worked well and I felt that NHL and hockey in general received a boost from the Olympic coverage and world wide exposure.


I don't feel the same way about these games.......not sure why.


Felt Team Canada (men and women's teams) played well.  Was pleased to see Finland win a medal.  Was pretty much disappointed with almost everything else.

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